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24 octobre 2016
Denis de Rougemont, Les Méfaits de l’Instruction publique (note de lectura)
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
4:41 PM
Etichete: note de lectura, Rougemont Denis de
15 octobre 2016
Georges Vallin, La perspective métaphysique (fragment)
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
8:35 AM
Etichete: fragment, Meister Eckhart, Vallin Georges
08 octobre 2016
Itzchak Weismann, Sufi Brotherhoods in Syria and Israel – A Contemporary Overview (full text)
In the geographical area of Syria, as in other parts of the Muslim world, Sufism found itself during the twentieth century under increasing attack. Though accustomed to strictures against their theosophical meditations and popular-ecstatic practices, with the advent of modernity Sufis had to contend with challenges of an altogether different magnitude. These derived not only from the direct impact of the West with its rationalist mode of thinking, but, even more so, from the growing intervention of a secularized State and the concomitant antagonism of a rising Islamic fundamentalism. Under such circumstances, many Sufi brotherhoods declined; yet others were able to develop a variety of strategies from within their divergent traditions to survive, adapt, and at times even thrive. Since the 1980s, with the turn of Muslim governments against the radical upsurge, and the general rise of interest in “Oriental” mysticism in the West, there has been a marked revival in Sufi activities. [1]
This paper focuses on the current manifestations of Sufism and Sufi brotherhoods in the states of Syria and Israel, with occasional references to Lebanon and Jordan. Although subjected to increasingly differentiated socioeconomic and political processes since the later part of the Ottoman period, Sufis in three of the four countries share in a basic situation of living under non-Sunni governments. In Syria, the sectarian-based authoritarian Ba‘th regime, in power since 1963, has been generally hostile toward independent Sufi activity, the more so during the Islamic uprising that culminated in Hamah in 1982. The same regime imposed itself on the Christian-Maronite-dominated political system in Lebanon following the outbreak of civil war in 1976. In the Jewish State of Israel such activity had been almost eliminated by the disruption of the War in 1948, but partly revived after the renewal of contacts with the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza in the wake of the 1967 War. Rather than an exhaustive survey, my aim in this paper is to analyze the various ways by which different Sufi brotherhoods in Syria and Israel have responded to the challenges of modernity in general, and to the peculiar political circumstances in which they live in particular.
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
10:54 PM
Etichete: islam, sufism, text integral, Weismann Itzchak
Marco Pallis, On Crossing Religious Frontiers (note de lectura)
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
10:53 PM
Etichete: Pallis Marco
06 octobre 2016
Annemarie Schimmel, Abol Hosein Nuri: Alquibla de las luces
Entre los grandes maestros sufíes de Bagdad, la mayoría de ellos de origen persa, Abol Hosein Nuri ocupa un lugar especial. Conocido por la mayoría de los lectores por sus posturas en controversia con Abo′l-Qāsem Ŷoneid (m. 298/910), Nuri fue una de las figuras más atrayentes de la segunda mitad del siglo IX. Su nombre era Ahmad ibn Mohammad al-Baqawi, y era originario del Jorāsān [1]. Nació alrededor de 226/840 (pues llegó a conocer a Zolnun, fallecido en 245/859), y entre los sufíes se enmarca en la “segunda clase mística” (tabaqa). Pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Bagdad, aunque vivió al parecer también algún tiempo en Raqqa donde, según Ansāri (1968, p.158), estuvo sin hablar con nadie durante todo un año. “El atraído por la Unidad… la alquibla de las luces”, como le llamó ′Attār en su Tazkerāt al-awliyā, falleció en Bagdad en el año 295/907.
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
4:45 AM
Etichete: Schimmel Annemarie, text integral
05 octobre 2016
William S. Lind, Andrei Dîrlău, Irina Bazon (coord.), Corectitudinea politică (note de lectură)
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
3:08 PM
Etichete: Bazon Irina, Dîrlău Andrei, Lind William S., note de lectura
03 octobre 2016
Carlos del Tilo, La letra y el espíritu (fragmento)
Capítulo de "El libro de Adán: Textos y comentarios sobre las tradiciones hebrea, cristiana e islámica" (Arola Editors, Tarragona 2002).
La letra mata, mas el espíritu [el soplo] vivifica. (II Corintios 3, 6 )
1. Introducción
¿Qué es la letra? Lo que se traduce por ‘letra’ en el texto griego del Nuevo Testamento corresponde a la palabra gramma, que significa ‘carácter grabado’, ‘carácter de escritura’, ‘texto escrito’; de graphein ‘escribir’. (1) «La letra» es, por lo tanto, el texto escrito compuesto de palabras, que, a su vez, lo están de caracteres o letras. Así, nos puede tentar la idea de comprender esta frase de san Pablo en el sentido de que, si «la letra mata», ésta nos es inútil e incluso perjudicial, y que se la debe rechazar para buscar sólo «el espíritu que vivifica».
Si nos situamos en la mentalidad de la primitiva Iglesia cristiana, vemos que la letra representaba y designaba el texto del Antiguo Testamento, o sea, la Torah de Moisés y los libros de los profetas de Israel. Es, pues, la totalidad de la tradición judía la que aquí está en juego, debido a una época en que la revelación aportada por el Evangelio de Jesucristo se extendió por el mundo grecorromano, es decir, el mundo de los gentiles, extraño por completo al mundo de los hebreos. Esas gentes estaban dispuestas, por naturaleza, a abandonar y rechazar las Escrituras hebraicas, cosa que hicieron algunas sectas cristianas primitivas: debía bastar el espíritu aportado por el Evangelio, literalmente ‘buena nueva’.
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
2:23 AM
Etichete: fragment, Tilo Carlos del
02 octobre 2016
Eric Wynants, The Church's War on the Cathars (full text)
During the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the region known as the Languedoc, spreading approximately southward from the Loire to the Pyrenees down into Arragon and eastward to the Rhone, became the most highly civilized area of Western Europe. Its fertile soil and pleasant climate provided the means for a leisurely life. The Rhone and the Garonne were notable routes of communication and the passage of many Crusaders on their way to the East gave an immense stimulus to trade. Above all the Moslem conquest of Spain had brought the influence of Arabic culture. The larger cities had schools of medicine, mathematics and astrology where Arabian scholarship was imparted. Jews were not debarred from public life and were highly respected as doctors and teachers. The Catholic Church no longer held the monopoly of knowledge; and were gradually losing their power hold in the Languedoc.
The wealth of the monastic orders and the intolerance of the bishops roused the contempt of the nobles who accused them of self-indulgence and lack of interest in the poor. The common priests,
through the neglect of their superiors, had fallen into discredit on account of their poverty and illiteracy. Very different was the behaviour of the Cathars. Their eloquence in presenting their
beliefs and their untiring care for all in need of help won the devotion of both nobles and common people. They became known by the name of bons hommes. When the leaders of the Catholic Church
realized how widely the movement had spread, it was already too late to stem the tide.
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Publicat de
Radu Iliescu
2:33 PM
Etichete: gnosticism, manichaeism, Niel Fernand, text integral, Wynants Eric