- Abrasax - The Gnostic Vision of Aquarianism
- Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid - A Dissertation on Islamic Mysticism
- Al-Ghazzâlî, Abu Hamid - Lettre au disciple
- Al-Dabbagh (Şeic) - Cuvintele de aur (Kitab al Ibriz)
- Albaicín, Joaquín - Henoch, los reyes magos y el orden de Melkitsedeq
- Anonymous - René Guénon, short biography
- Anonymous - René Guénon: influence en Iran et en Turquie
- Aziz, T. M. - The Meaning of History: An Islamic Perspective
- Anonymous - Amadou Hampâté Bâ, témoin de la Tradition
- Ba, Amadou Hampâté - Lettre ouverte à la Jeunesse
- Blackhirst, Dr. R. - Islam & Secularism: Divergent Understandings of Law, Rights and Government
- Blackhirst, Dr. R. - Symbolism of Islamic Prayer
- Borella, Jean - Regard sur l’œuvre de Jean Hani
- Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. - El Vedanta y la tradición occidental
- Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. - Primitive Mentality
- Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. - Symbols
- Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. - Who Is "Satan" and Where Is "Hell"?
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - A Brief for Sedevacantism
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - Feminism And The Veiling Of Women
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - On 'Gurus' And Spiritual Direction
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - On the Nature of Evil
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - Philosophia Perennis And The Sensus Catholicus
- Coomaraswamy, Rama - The Fundamental Nature Of The Conflict Between Modern And Traditional Man
- Cutsinger, James S. - An Open Letter on Tradition
- Cunha, C. da - La notion d'initiation chez René Guénon
- Cunha, C. da - René Guénon, une introduction
- d'Algange, Luc-Olivier - René Guénon et la Tradition Primordiale
- Dennis, Rabbi Geoffrey W. - Water
- Dougouine, Alexandre - La Terre verte - l'Amérique
- Elst, Koenraad - The Caste System
- Evola, Julius - American "Civilization"
- Evola, Julius - On the Secret of Degeneration
- Evola, Julius - Servicio al Estado y burocracia
- Fernando, Ranjit - The Primordial Tradition: A Tribute to Ananda Coomaraswamy
- Geoffroy, Eric - Le pèlerinage
- Gloton, Maurice - Apport de l'oeuvre de René Guénon à l'Occident et à l'Orient
- Grimstad, William - The Lord of the World
- Guénon, René - Al-Faqr ('Spiritual Poverty')
- Guénon, René - Initiation and the Crafts
- Guénon, René - Criza lumii moderne
- Guénon, René - Oriental Metaphysics
- Guénon, René - Principiile calculului infinitezimal
- Guénon, René - Regele lumii
- Guénon, René - Saint Bernard (1090-1153)
- Honigsberg, David - Rava's Golem
- Hossein, Seyyed Nasr - Reflections on Islam and Modern Life
- Iliescu, Radu - Asupra ideii cã numai o singurã religie ar fi adevãratã, cu o aplicatie pe cazul crestinismului
- Iliescu, Radu - Asupra unor alegatii privind asa-zisele limite ale omnipotentei divine
- Iliescu, Radu - Foamea de nou
- Iliescu, Radu - Islamul si politica
- Iliescu, Radu - Profetul Muhammad, avatar al divinitatii
- Iliescu, Radu - Reflectii la fiziologia demonicului
- Iliescu, Radu - René Guénon despre identitatea Occidentului
- Iliescu, Radu - René Guénon despre Occident si alteritatea sa
- Iliescu, Radu - Tendinte heterodoxe în teologia crestinã contemporanã
- Itu, Mircea - Idei religioase şi concepţii filosofice în opera ştiinţifică a lui Mircea Eliade
- Jacobs, Louis - Brit Menucha : Les Visions et Méditations mystiques d'Abraham de Grenade
- Jeffrey, Jason - Hyperborea and the Quest for Mystical Enlightenment
- Jolif, Thierry - L’honneur de René Guénon et l’Orient Orthodoxe
- Kennedy, William H. - René Guénon and Roman Catholicism
- Khalifa, Abdul Hakim - One God, One World, One Humanity
- Lafargue Dickès, Godeleine - René Guenon et Jacques Maritain : deux manières d’être antimoderne
- Larbi, Djeradi - Une grande figure soufie: Yahyâ 'Abd-el-Wâhid (René Guenon)
- Lewis, C.S. - The Abolition of Man
- Lindbom, Tage - An essay on the Western World
- Lings, Martin - Frithjof Schuon and René Guénon
- Lings, Martin - René Guénon
- Lombardo, Alberto - Guénon, ou l'orgueil d'être "réactionnaire"
- Maistre, Joseph de - Enlightenment on Sacrifices
- Manolescu, Anca - René Guénon, un autor modern
- Marinescu, Mihai - Tradition in the Romanian World
- Moss, David - The Alphabet of the Angel Metatron - An Artistic Interpretation of an Ancient Mystical Hebrew Alphabet
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Reflections on Islam and Modern Life
- Pallavicini, Shaykh Abd-al-Wahid - Orient et Occident à cinquante ans de la mort de René Guénon
- Platon, Mircea - Ce sunt intelectualii?
- Rabinowitz, Dan - Ghosts, Demons, Golems and their Halachik Status
- Roa, Sergio Fritz - René Guénon y la función primordial de la “Orden de los Pobres Caballeros de Cristo"
- Rojas G., Enrique - Frithjof Schuon o la tentación mesiánica
- Rossa, Ivan Dalla - Sulle tracce di una filosofia ermetica nel pensiero di J. W. Goethe
- Schuon, Frithjof - A note on René Guénon
- Sharif, M. M. - The Philosophical Interpretation Of History
- Southgate, Troy - Julius Evola: A Radical Traditionalist
- Spartakus FreeMann - Le Nom de 72 Lettres ou Les 72 Noms de Dieu de la Kabbale
- Steuckers, Robert - L'oeuvre de Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Islam, connaissance, nature et sacré
- Stucco, Guido - The Legacy of a European Traditionalist - Julius Evola in Perspective
- Tămaş, Mircea - Mioriţa
- Voiculescu, Vasile - Copacul lui Iuda
- Webster, Andrew - Edmund Burke Legacy
- White, Bill - Radical Traditionalism
- Winkler, Gershon - To Cling or to Let Go
- Wolfson, Elliot R. - Messianism in the Christian Kabbalah of Johann Kemper
30 août 2006
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Radu Iliescu
11:07 PM
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